Also known as AUB or DUB, this describes menstrual bleeding that is heavy, prolonged, or commonly both.
It represents a very common gynecologic complaint that accounts for up to one third of visits to the gynecologist.
Uterine fibroids/leiomyomas
Schedule a time with your doctor for an evaluation.
A benign fairly common condition of the uterus that is frequently associated with painful periods, chronic pelvic pain and heavy menstrual cycles. This condition can be treated medically or surgically based on a patient's desire for continued fertility and pregnancy.
Endometrial Polyps
Enometrial polyps are also common and usually benign tumors found inside the uterine lining which may be easily treated in the office setting.
Ovulatory Dysfunction
Ovulatory dysfunction is frequently associated with irregular unpredictable bleeding usually due to irregular or absent ovulation. Other causes may include hormonal endocrine abnormalities such as thyroid dysfunction. Management may consist of medications such as birth control pills or fertility drugs, based on a patient's desire for pregnancy.
Treatment Options
Treatment options are based on multiple factors, including a patient's desire for pregnancy, a patient’s age, as well as whether there are any risk factors for malignancy. In many cases an endometrial biopsy can easily be obtained in the office setting to evaluate for this.
Fertility drugs can help patients who are trying for pregnancy, and birth control pills and other hormonal agents can assist patients who are simply trying to regulate control of their bleeding and cramping. In general, hormonal options are usually 70 to 80% successful at controlling symptoms.
WomanKind OB/GYN was the first to offer endometrial ablation in the office setting in the Central Ohio area. The Minerva endometrial ablation procedure has an effectiveness from 85 to 90% at controlling heavy menstrual bleeding in patients who have completed their childbearing, or no longer desire hormonal treatment options. This is an outpatient procedure generally performed in the office setting, takes just over 2 minutes, and has significantly decreased the number of hysterectomies needed over the last several years. Click on the following link to find out more information regarding Minerva.
The newest minimally invasive outpatient procedure performed only by Dr. Balaloski in the Central Ohio area. Radiofrequency ablation is an incisionless procedure used to treat/destroy fibroids through the cervix without significant discomfort or bleeding. The Sonata procedure has been associated with reduction in menstrual bleeding at in 95% of patients by 12 months The procedure is associated with a 1 to 2-day recovery and minimal discomfort.
725 Buckles Ct. North, Suite 230 Gahanna, OH 43230
(Walnut Creek Wellness Center)
1030 Refugee Rd. Suite 260 Pickerington, OH 43147
11925 Lithopolis Rd.
Canal Winchester, OH 43110
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